Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Murfreesboro Children / Kids Photographer

In just 3 short months my little girl will be 5 years old.  It's tough to see each day go by knowing that she is getting older, but I'm so grateful to always have pictures of her like these to hold on to forever.   She will always be my baby girl.... and her Daddy's too!  :)
Truly, she has gone from a cutie to a beauty! 

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Mason - Murfreesboro Newborn Photographer

I was super excited to meet some fellow Michigan fans here in TN!  :)
Little Mason was a real sport with his session today and seemed to nearly pose for every shot!
Being nearly 2 weeks old he was very alert and curious about everything going on..... and one of the calmest newborn boys I've photographed thus far!   He was a jem!
Even with a scheduling blunder on my part and a broken blub (thanks for cleaning that up Mr. Daddy!) this session went by smoothly and I got MANY great shots of this new SUPER adorable family of 3!
A huge thank you to Mason's Aunt for all the help too!

Go Big Blue!

A small little smile, maybe?!!

This Mama just had a baby a few days ago....She looks amazing!  :) 

Mason is yelling "Go Blue!"   :D